What Is a Dental Sealant?
Dental sealant is a material that is applied to the deep groves of molars or premolars teeth.
The sealant acts as a barrier protecting enamel from food bacteria, debris and acid to prevent possible decay from occurring. The presence of the sealant material results in more effective tooth brushing.
Benefits of Dental Sealants vs Filling
- No drilling
- No anesthetic
- No removal of tooth surface
- Sealant is much less expensive than receiving a filling
Dental sealants help prevent decay and are also a sound investment because they can prevent future, costly dental restorative procedures.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why should someone get sealant?
Sealants are applied as a liquid to teeth then hardened to “seal” the tooth from possible decay.
When is a good time to get dental sealants?
Childhood caries are the #1 disease in children today and 84% of caries can be prevented by sealants. Without sealants these deep grooves are more likely to have decay because they are more difficult to clean.
How are dental sealants applied?
As a child when a permanent tooth is completely erupted in the mouth. Adults can also be at risk for this type of decay and can benefit from sealants as well. Don’t wait! If the tooth already has decay then it can not be sealed
How long do sealants last?
The procedure is simple and fast and there is little, if any, discomfort. First the teeth to be sealed are thoroughly cleaned, dried and isolated. Next a blue gel is placed on the surface to roughen it up so the sealant material can bond easier. After the tooth is washed and dried the sealant material is either painted or poured onto the surface and hardened with a special curing light.
Benefits of dental sealants vs filling
Sealants, which hold up well under the incredible force of everyday chewing, usually last several years before a reapplication is needed. As long as the sealant remains intact, the tooth’s chewing surface will be protected from decay. The dentist checks their condition during a regular examination.
If unexpected tooth pain or an accident have you suffering, give us a call and schedule an appointment. Reach out to our office by calling 847-758-0100 at your earliest convenience!